Saturday, September 29

9/29 - 6+ mile run (73 mins) White Rock Lake - heels bothering me this week. Hurt at beginning of run, felt better at the end, hurt a few hours after the run. Suspect Plantar Fasciitis. Start stretches and icing.

9/22 - 7 mile run (80 mins) Chisolm Trail - felt great. First week of increase TRAINING FOR THE HALF!!! Walked 1 extra mile.

Monday, September 10

Foot saga

It's been too long since I posted here.

I am still running - usually 6 miles on Saturday and 5-8 over the course of the week.

This week I started having foot problems. Specifically the outer top side of my Right foot. I went to Luke's and got new shoes and took the weekend off, so I'm hoping that that will fix the problem. That problem is definitely much better now, but I'm worried that my new shoes pinch my wide toe area. And I'm worried that everything is fine and I'm just obsessed with my feet now.

Part of the reason I am obsessed is because I am planning big on doing a Half Marathon at the White Lake. I wanted to do this so badly last year, but pregnancy got in the I have high hopes. I start increasing my mileage in two weeks, and I'm terrified that some little glitch will get in my way.

Here are the new shoes:

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