Sunday, June 24

Bob Woodruff

Things have been conspiring against me lately to keep me from doing a long run on the weekend, but I finally got one in today. I went to Bob Woodruff right by our house and ran for 65 mins - it felt great. I had never been that far on that trail, and it was fun to look at new scenery. Two things I like about that trail - there are bathrooms at the point where I turn around to head back (much needed today ;)) and it seems like it's uphill on the way out. Very nice. It wasn't too crowded, but I did need to take out one earphone b/c I almost got mowed down by a biker I didn't hear coming. There were two gorgeous backyards that I really enjoyed ogling - they were huge...estates by Plano standards.

I haven't had time to map it on gmap, but I'm guessing it was about 5.5 - 6 miles. It felt WONDERFUL and very relaxing.

Tuesday, June 5

Another Saturday on Chisholm Trail

I wasn't planning to run last Saturday - still feeling the effects of Montezuma's Revenge - but it let up that morning. So, I did about 5.2 miles in an hour. Not my best time, but it felt pretty good. I could tell I hadn't run in a week. My callouses had gotten soft and my thighs were sore the next day.

Thanks to a friend, I finally played with one of those pedometer websites - that's pretty cool. I can track my exact mileage using google maps/satellite. Now I know that my weekday morning path is 2.5 miles - I've always wondered.

The mosquitoes are eating us alive. All the rain has brought out years of dormant babies, apparently. They are huge and bloodthirsty. Nothing like the smell of sweaty OFF! as you're running!